Monday, December 8, 2008

Crazy Christmas Scavenger Hunt!

Looking for a great Christmas Party idea?  Host a Crazy Christmas Scavenger Hunt with your friends!  We began ours at PotBelly Sandwiches at 5 PM.  After dinner, we went over the rules and then the teams sped out of the parking lot on their 2 hour quest for the craziest Christmas items around.  We met back at 8:15 at Starbucks for dessert/hot beverages while the judge (yours truly) deliberated and awarded the prizes to the winning team ($5 S'bux gift cards). 

Here are a few photos from our party with our TAG group (teen activity group for local home school high schoolers).

Dinner @ PotBelly's 

One of the rules was that every team member had to be
in every photo for it to count.  Here Job's group
waited patiently in order to get this shot: a parent
teaching their child to ice skate!  
Their persistence paid off...his team won!
Going for maximum points:  Police officer wearing
a santa hat.  Unfortunately no officer is allowed
to wear ANYthing not a part of their official
uniform while on duty, so this photo (from the
police station!) got them NO POINTS.
Big fun, though!
Having a blast at S'bux after the hunt was over!

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