Friday, February 6, 2009

N.E.R.F.: Weeks #2-3 (Exercise & Rest)

Due to extreme temps last week, we flip-flopped weeks 2 & 3, opting to Rest last week because of the ice and instead sip hot chocolate every afternoon by a roaring fire while reading Pippi Longstocking.  :)   This week, we can wear shorts.  That's Texas weather for you, eh?!  So, we have been doing the Exercise week this week & reading a few books on muscles and the human body.

Here's a glimpse:

Enjoying one of the GREAT & ACTIVE games 
on our new favorite website:
The next three photos are experiments
involving our muscles from one 
of the books we read.

We had WAYYYY too much fun once
we read this passage from one of our books!
Get ready to laugh!

One activity-oriented website suggested
getting a balloon and seeing how 
long you could keep it in the air without
it hitting the ground.  As you can see,
they had a BLAST doing this...and got some
good exercise in what became a full-
contact sport!  

We rounded out the week's study on exercise
with a field trip with our local home
schooling group to CrossFit, where the
kids were taught about nutrition & exercise
by a professional, who encouraged a LOT
of hands-on learning.  :)

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