Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Ghosts" of Christmas' Past, Live Nativities

These days a highlight of the advent season
is attending live nativities with those we love.
Here is JSS & Grandpa in 2005 at one of the
best in our area, one that we get to drive through
on a hayride in very cold temps, hot chocolate
and blankets provided as we drive through
stages of the life of Christ. It is most excellent!
I love this photo for OBVIOUS reasons. :)

Here is my man in 2002 as Joseph with "his Mary" in our
church's live nativity. They always have a high schooler
play Mary, which we really like. If memory serves, up
til this particular year, he was most always a tour guide
because of his personality. He easily drew people into
the story of Jesus' birth and was perfectly suited to that role.
But, he was a most excellent Joseph, even if the hay made
him sick as a dog for a week after the production.
AMS is the "servant girl" with the peach-colored shawl.
This is her second year to be able to participate because
up til now, they didn't really have roles for young girls.
She was elated to be cast and even had a small speaking part.
(circa 2003)
For a few years, JDS was a young shepherd. This particular
year (2003), JDS was a young shepherd (in red) with his
very own Grandpa (tan with dark blue stripes next to him)
as the main speaking shepherd. Where is Simon? He directed
the scene while I ran the soundboard for it. Grandpa graciously
agreed rather last-minute to the role, driving 2.5 hours that
afternoon, to "save" this scene because Simon's main shepherd
was unable to make it. He even had all his lines memorized!
This is a very special year to us!
I think this is 2002, AMS's first year as a servant girl
in the wise men scene. :)
They look uber-creepy behind her, don't they?
JDS in 2003 as a shepherd boy. This year, he had
the most speaking parts even among the adults!
They were afraid he would not be able to memorize
them all, but we assured them that it would not be
an issue for him. He has a stellar memory!

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